Brian Ledwell

Some guy and a tagline

Directions for adding templates into D2L

Use these directions for adding templates into D2L


This sets up D2L so that it knows where your templates are stored. Some of this isnt mandatory but makes it much easer to select a template from a simple drop down menu.

 Create the folder that will house your templates (Optional, it keeps things organized)

  • Choose - "Edit Course"  > "Manage Files" > " New Folder"
  • Name that folder "Templates" >  choose "Save"

 Tell D2L where that new folder is. This creates a nice drop down menu so you can select a template.

  • Choose  - "Content" > "Settings" >
  • Check " Enable HTML Templates
  • Choose "Change Path" button.
  • Choose the "Templates" folder you just created


Select the templates you want to use

Add template into D2L

  • Choose "Edit Course"  > "Manage Files"
  • Select the "templates" folder you created (it should be empty)
  • Choose the "Upload " button
  • Choose the "Upload" button again (yes I know..) and find the file that was downloaded to your computer
  • Select "Save"
  • Mouse over the newly uploaded file and you will see an arrow to the right. Select that arrow and choose "unzip"
  • You can feel free to delete the file now if you want


Start using a template

  • On a content object to the right of the title bar you should see a "select template" button. Choose that and select a template you want to use.


Selecting a template after having added content will replace ALL the content on that page. I suggest starting off fresh and adding content to the template rather than trying to apply a template to an existing page.